COVID-19 - You are our number one priority!
MTC Family and Valued Customers,
Here at our MTC, we are closely monitoring the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) both nationally and close to home. Our employees have been recognized as Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers, therefore MTC’s offices will remain open to serve the community. The health and wellness of our employees, their families, and our customers are always our top priority. We wanted to share with you the precautions we are taking in our multiple offices and on project sites.
Daily screening log for all employees which include recorded temperatures before arriving to work
Sick employees must stay home
Employees must follow basic hygiene guidelines including hand washing, coughing into an arm, using elbows to push doors open, opening doors with a paper towel, avoid touching face and eyes
All equipment and workstations wiped down and cleaned before the end of shift
No socializing, non-essential meetings or otherwise in common areas; all meeting held via teleconference
Maintain 6 feet of distance between coworkers and customers
Follow project specific COVID-19 Prevention Programs provided by clients and contractors
N95 rated masks are available for use to all employees
Hand sanitizer is available for use around offices
These are difficult and unprecedented times, but we will continue to monitor developments and follow recommendations by the CDC and the Governor’s Executive Order. Our hearts go out to any and all that have been affected by this.
Our team is committed to maintaining high levels of service for our customers while ensuring the well-being of our employees. Feel free to contact our office at any time with any questions or inquiries.
Be safe, take care of yourself and your family, and stay healthy!
MTC, Inc.